Ram Exchange Program
Eliminate Lubrication and Cam Wear with Intech Patented Square Ram and iCam Followers®
Having proven the performance of Intech iCam Followers® on Belvac neckers, we are now able to offer our customers a ram that does not require any lubrication. Not on the ram, or the cam followers. Additionally, the iCam Followers do not wear the cam, a significant step forward reducing maintenance and down time.
The use of composite easy rolling cam followers, which absorb shock and vibration, opened up new ways to think about full cam contact. It allowed us to simplify the design and introduce one ram to work on all Belvac necker models. The new design together with advances in manufacturing allowed us to significantly reduce the ram’s price.
To enable our customers to stretch their maintenance budget and to take advantage of the substantial saving the new square ram offers, we developed a Ram Exchange Program. Here is how it works:
You send us a worn ram, pusher or tooling side, Belvac or Intech, for a core charge credit, and we send you back a new Intech Square Ram complete with installed Intech cam followers. Call for current pricing
Savings Achieved with the Intech Ram Exchange Program:
- No more lubrication on rams or cam followers. Savings on grease, maintenance time and possible can contamination.
- Low ram replacement cost. Send in used Intech or Belvac rams for one credit.
- No more worn cams. Saving cost of replacing a cam and approx. 10 to 15 hrs of lost production.
- Saving on frequent changes of worn metal cam followers, especially on spring pre-loaded high speed models.
- Prevention of premature cam and cam follower wear due to mal-functioning central lubrication system.
- Saving time needed to clean grease from the turret to gain access.
- Proven long ram wear times.
- No more repair and assembly of worn rams. Savings on maintenance.
- Improved rejection rate to about 0.1%. The square rams guide better. No more lift and twist.
- Up to 25% line speed increase is possible due to lighter ram assembly, corresponding lower inertia and easy rolling, lighter weight iCamFollowers.
- 22 to 25% energy savings. We measured 25% less energy consumption on a 795 line equipped with Intech square rams compared with a line using the original Belvac rams.
- Simple, proven design. Full cam contact is assured by slightly reduced cam followers' center distance. Shock load is absorbed by the cam follower tire.
- With the new Intech Ram 40MM you can convert a 10 stage 595 to run 2800 to 3000cpm, a Super-K design speed, for under $300K, and eliminate lubrication and cam wear.
Types of Belvac neckers on which the Intech Exchange Ram can be used:
- 595
- 795
- Super-K
- Modular
Intech rams can be installed on turrets alongside Belvac original rams. We recommend installing two Intech rams at a time to balance the turret. If you have to install a new cam, we recommend installing all Intech rams with iCam Followers® on that turret. You will never have to change that cam again.